Could you tell us who you are and what it is that you do?

I'm Sarah Moniz (pronounced like "ceremonies"), and I moved to Charlottesville from my native Northern Virginia in August of this year. I'm an AmeriCorps VISTA with the Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless, or if you’re short on time, TJACH.  TJACH is a collaboration of individuals and organizations working to end homelessness in our community through strategic planning, advocacy, and coordination of resources.  As a VISTA ("Volunteer in Service to America"), I serve a one-year term with a non-profit, helping to build capacity for the organization. It's more of a "behind-the-scenes" role, as opposed to direct service. The main objective is to create sustainable programs and systems that will continue to benefit the organization long after my year of service is over. 

What do you love most about the work?

So far, it's the people I work with. They're genuine and compassionate. I think it comes with the territory, as there doesn't seem to be a lot of room for egos in this line of work.  It's a breath of fresh air for me, coming from a heavily corporate background.

How did you arrive at this place?  What is your backstory?

As I'm sure is the case for so many people, the pandemic was a reckoning for me. I started rethinking everything. I was living in Northern Virginia, fighting upwards of two hours of traffic every day, just to get to and from a job I didn't particularly enjoy. I needed a change of pace and something more fulfilling. It was a slow process; I sold my house, ended a long relationship, and started looking for alternatives. New jobs, going back to school, joining a convent—pretty much anything to get me out of the area and out of my comfort zone. Eventually I stumbled upon Americorps, and I was lucky enough to find a position in Charlottesville, a place I've always wanted to live. Shoutout to Anthony and TJACH for taking a chance on a me.

What and/or who inspires you? 

Right now, everything! Everything feels big and new to me here. It's very humbling. Having the chance to start over can be pretty overwhelming and intimidating, but I try to view that as a positive. You need the dark to find the light.

What are you passionate about?

Learning. I love reading, listening, researching—just absorbing as much information as possible. And always asking why.  I think it’s crucial in this day and age to be as informed and open-minded as you can be. Plus, there’s no excuse not to be, with so much information at our fingertips. I studied sociology at VCU, and, being the ever-evolving field it is, there’s always something new to discover. It’s especially important to learn about people (my other passion) and take the time to listen, instead of just reacting or responding. Learning how to be a better person, the best version of yourself—that’s most important.  

Was there a light switch moment? -- a turning point for you (professionally &/or personally)?

I think it was the day I learned about the VISTA program. One of my friends posted about it on LinkedIn. I clicked the link, read a few sentences, and I was sold. Within a week, I had completed my (rather lengthy) AmeriCorps application. A few weeks later, I submitted my official application to TJACH, and a couple weeks after that, I got offered the job. I even found an apartment here with relative ease, which I hear is a rarity in Cville. Everything just fell into place so perfectly, it felt like it was meant to be. 

Could you share a memorable story from your professional path thus far?

As much as I rag on my old corporate job, it had plenty of high points. I worked for a multi-national telecom company, so I got the chance to see the world through a totally different lens. I used to manage offices, and I did everything from buying supplies to negotiating leases to completing full-scale buildouts. I got to do a ton of traveling, too—Sao Paulo, Toronto, Panama, Vancouver. I also had some top-notch coworkers, who doubled as both geographic and cultural tour guides. I feel incredibly lucky to have had those opportunities. 

What's on the horizon? What are you currently working on, excited about, looking forward to?

We have a lot of exciting stuff in the works at TJACH. We’re in the process of rebranding and updating our website to better reflect what we do and make us more accessible. We have a new name that we’ll be rolling out soon, too. We’re also working on forming what we’re calling the “People’s Caucus.” Basically, it will be a group of individuals with lived experience of homelessness who meet to discuss and provide feedback on our homeless system of care, with an emphasis on racial equity. We’re still in the very early stages, and it’s definitely challenging, but I think it’s the project I’m most excited about. As for after my Americorps term, I’m not totally sure yet. That’s kind of the point of this year for me—to learn about myself and what I want to do. Though I will say, I wouldn’t be opposed to staying in Cville a bit longer and doing something similar to what I’m doing with TJACH. I love it so far.

 How has your experience at Studio IX been thus far?

Awesome! First off, it’s nice just to be back in an office again, around other humans. But my favorite part about Studio IX is the people here and the diversity in backgrounds and experience. I love the laid-back, open environment. I can usually be found at my desk with my headphones in, but feel free to stop by to say hi and break me out of my shell!